But generally speaking, the whole idea of Grameen-first was a purely political project and carried out money to Western funds. In the '70s, Bangladesh, poverty is too contrasted with the socialist achievements in neighboring West Bengal and the rate of migration became frightening.
In Nicaragua, leader Daniel Ortega supported defaulters, most of whom are small farmers, and recently made a judgment on the Elimination of one of the country's leading micro-lenders Bunco del exactions.
In India, the scandal surrounding the imposition of new loans even without paying debtors. The most rigid of the problem come from the state of Andhra Pradesh, which accounts for almost one third of all loans in the micro vast country.
Thus, there is quite a company planned to curtail services in the micro world's poorest countries. Apparently, "mikromavr" has done its job. At least in some cases. To understand this, you need to articulate the facts of the wild growth of capitalization of some of the sellers of this service.
It clarifies the "New York Times", the company's largest investors in micro-credit in India, SKS Microfinance, in the last year parted ways with its shares priced at 95 times the amount they paid for them several years earlier. "Regular guys" have already received a profit, what will happen next - it is not their concern.
We can assume why it collapses, it would seem quite successful sector. First, micro-credit in the classical version of the Grameen-issued only by implementing a profitable activity, and can not be focused on current consumption. Withstand the conditions it was possible, and not everywhere.
But also become self-employed can not everyone, even if it's handicrafts. Competition in the field of microcredit organizations in the poorest countries has led to the so-called micro-entrepreneurs to take the money in several MFIs.
At the same stakeholders to pay bonuses to its employees for a variety of "widening and deepening of the" loans. For the time being this dangerous in its accounting mechanistic way to hide the growing problems of the industry. Rescued a very high interest rates (sometimes reaching 50% per annum), as well as soon as possible repayment of the loan, the practice of payments from all over the original amount (regardless of the maturity of the loan), the weekly payments.
And another feature of gender: the vast majority of micro-credit were issued to women. In India, about 90% in Bangladesh (as of 2003) - 85% of all loans. Naturally, the "pressure" on women borrowers easier than men, which was discovered in India. Here are their roles and cultural features (including the social status of women in these countries) and a lower level of literacy.
This percentage of "female" loans - is a bomb under the key idea of this segment of usury. It involves a rigorous rationality of spending the funds received, which compensates for a certain irrationality in terms of the traditional banking lending process.
In general, a picture is in the spirit of Soviet propaganda about the greedy sharks banking business. Like it or not, but to experience the world should look, given the expected growth of this sector in our country.
The Russian government will develop microfinance for small businesses. Obetom said in Seoul in November, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. In the Russian Federation adopted the law on mikreditovanii: in 2009 to support small businesses has been allocated 2 billion rubles. In 2010 is planned to allocate 21 billion
"Microfinance is an important element of the financial system of Russia, its volumes have grown," - said Medvedev, speaking at a "roundtable" Business Summit "The role of business in a sustainable and balanced demand," RIA Novosti reported.
Capacity of the market of microfinance services in Russia is estimated at 23 billion rubles. At the same time 45% attributed to loans for business development, 55% - for consumer needs. But is it worth to give microloans to the consumer needs? In Russia, more than 60 million people (about 45% of the population) have no access to banking services.
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