Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Master of micro-credit open enrollment period of development:

Master in microfinance development in its own right at the Autonomous University of Madrid is the graduate education first and only face-to-face in microfinance in Spanish public universities. The objective is to provide specialized training, practice and quality for all microfinance stakeholders.

Bilingual program, taught by experts and professionals, Claudio Gonzalez Vega, Dr. Ohio State University (USA), John K. Hatch, founder of FINCA International (USA), Alvaro Ramirez, former head of the Department of Micro and Medium Enterprises Bank (USA), Mr Lacalle Calderon UAM professor and co-director of the Microfinance Forum (Spain), Silvia Rico, Lum Nantik Foundation (Spain), Philippe Guichandut, director of development and engineering of the Grameen Crédit Agricole (France), Vikash Kumar, Head of Microfinance in (India), Crnkic Kenan, president / CEO of Prizma (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mynor Corzo, FONDESOL Manager (Guatemala), Ramon Flores, Senior Investment Responsibility (Peru), Micol Pistelli MIX Social Performance Manager (USA) Robert Ogunde, the manager, ServeIT (Kenya), Class TriodosFacet Molenaar (Country Netherlands), the police Ange, Coordinator of Strategic Development Foundation La Caixa (Spain)

The master of micro-credit for the development was designed for a group of maximum 25 students per year. It is intended for professionals who wish to work in the microfinance sector, both in Spain and abroad, working in microcredit and microfinance and motivated students through social action and development cooperation.

To provide a high quality education and gives an overview of the microfinance sector is not sufficient to provide a theoretical framework for our students. For this reason, since the Master, we also offer the possibility to check for microfinance institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, Eastern Europe, and many courses Spain.

Thank you to the efforts of those who are part of this project, the Master in microfinance for development becomes the first and only face to face large public universities in Spain. As a result, it has a degree of micro-credit was the key to training and development of young, educated, not only in the economy but also to a even wider range of professionals from other disciplines such as political the sociology of law and technology, and different countries, Argentina, Peru, Puerto Rico, United States Morocco, France, Italy.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Insurance and the end of the world

At the time I write this is the end of the world a few days ... If you believe the Mayan calendar. And if you're like most people there, I'm sure you do, the obvious question in the minds of most people, "that my insurance covers my cars and houses if they are destroyed at the end the world "? He also referred to his habit of life "to pay a death benefit if you do not at the end of world events Here are some things to put you at ease when your insurance.:

Most insurance policies in particular the list of things that are excluded from coverage, and the list can easily find all the policies that you buy. Check your policy and you will probably find that Apocalypse is not listed as an exception to coverage. I know what you may think, led to the end of the world will have a cover, like meteors, storms and volcanic eruptions in Yellowstone National Park beautiful. Do not worry, you probably will not find one of these disasters is presented as an exception or.
Even things that are exempt are protected if you are willing to spend a few dollars more. Earthquakes and floods, both real possibilities end of the world comes, are generally not covered by insurance. However, you can usually add a rider earthquake and your house insurance against flooding through the National Flood Service.
If your neighbor has also survived the Apocalypse, but breaks into your house to steal your survival kit, your insurance company will replace your policy. If they steal your 4 x 4 to get to higher ground, how to perform a complete coverage. Insurance companies do not ask why something has been stolen or refuses to replace only part of flight had to do with the end of the world.
If your home is not damaged, but a burst of EMP knocked out power to half of the continent, do not worry about the hundreds of pounds of food placed in the freezer in preparation. Most home insurance policies are covered by the energy loss resulting from damage to the food. Just eat dry food and fruits in your garden as a sustainable power is restored. Then call your insurance company and your application. Your home should provide the money necessary to fill the freezer in his underground bunker (less the deductible).
If you buy the type of (non-fatal accidents) life in only two types of death cannot evade the payment of his family is fraud and suicide (the first year or two, depending on the state in which they live). Whether the plague, swallowed by the earth under your hole, dropped asteroids falling or even a plan, it fell by asteroids, your insurance will pay your beneficiaries a death benefit so that you have a lot of money in the stock option plan to live underground bunker.
They can increase the chances that the end of the world, leave your home or car, but not much to worry about your insurance does not cover the damage. And if it does not put your mind at ease, you can always leave the car and the house and moved into the ark of the team that built for his family to prepare for flooding.