Despite the success of the micro credit system, there have been some criticisms of the same, as summarized in the following:
Its main beneficiaries are the poorest, vulnerable and excluded in developing countries.
The central idea on which are founded the micro credit the poor can indefinitely spend more than they have-generates a false understanding of the true causes of social and economic imbalances in the world and how to deal with, but also of architecture global institutional instituted to understand and address these human problems.
Its main beneficiaries are the poorest, vulnerable and excluded in developing countries.
The central idea on which are founded the micro credit the poor can indefinitely spend more than they have-generates a false understanding of the true causes of social and economic imbalances in the world and how to deal with, but also of architecture global institutional instituted to understand and address these human problems.
It would be a way of privatizing poverty.
Conceal the real causes of poverty and underdevelopment and the poor become ultimately responsible for their situation and direct.
They are an effective weapon to dismantle the political and ethical commitment we have.
Serve to inactivate transforming policies of international cooperation in banking policies and poverty becoming eternal debt.
The transformation of poverty in debt, advocated by supporters of microcredit, is based on social Darwinism, according to which those in a more precarious and vulnerable because they are not willing or able to borrow.
Borrowing far more vulnerable to those who have less.
For many women, taking microcredit is an overload on their domestic occupations, already enormous, raising tensions in the care and upbringing of their children.
It is true that women are going to work for the return of microcredit and are much more responsible than men to meet the debts assumed, but actually it is men who decide directly on their use and management.
They say that micro loans are so good that their delinquency is very low, demonstrating that the poor always pay. This thesis will require much higher moral values than the rest of the population while the poor are not allowed to not be as good payers.
More, the Grameen Bank, which declares a return rate of 98% in their reports with other reports that late payment is 25% ... to the point of insurance impose on the indebted families so that in case of death, the mourners are those who assume the payment of loans taken.
The argument that micro credit to the poor become responsible for their own developments in turn makes them guilty of their survival, nullifying the role of states, governments and international community.
South America is a world of microfinance, particularly the countries of Bolivia and Peru, who are prominent in this sector, show levels of profitability, efficiency, reliability, main etc. Las promotion of micro credit institutions in charge NGOs as Accion International, Magdala Foundation and Planet Finance, which are characterized by the accumulation of experience of experts from around the world.
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