Thursday, 19 January 2012

Micro credit: towards greater economic equality

The financial system still does not benefit the poorest, for whom the traditional bank loans is often inaccessible. So what to do to access a loan when it affects only € 600 per month? Focus on micro-credit, a device that combines some banks to partners wishing to offer this "social leverage" their beneficiaries ..
 Tool for social innovation:
 Micro credit has its origins in the developing world, where people are often excluded from traditional banking system. A vulnerability that is matched only by the boundless energy of these men to innovate to improve the daily life. It is the economist Muhammad Yunus, himself a native of Bangladesh, which popularized micro credit economic whose principle is simple: a loan of a small amount is allocated to support the development of an activity. With its success, Yunus founded the first bank specialized in microfinance in 1983: the Grameen Bank.

In France Agency for the Right to Economic Initiative (ADIE) awarded 14,500 cases in 2009,and helped many disadvantaged people to create their own jobs. Very successful since the rate of employability of micro-entrepreneurs financed and accompanied by Adie approaching80% and 68% of small businesses are perennial two years after their creation.

 Development of micro credit staff:
In addition to this dedicated to creating micro credit activity is a personal or social micro credit said. Intended for people without access to traditional consumer credit, the micro credit can borrow usually up to € 3000, if not to be in serious debt. The loan application must be part of a personal or professional, such as buying a vehicle for returning to work, or the payment of expenses of moving.

With 6000 loans granted in 2009, micro credit staff progressing slowly in France, where 25% to 30% of households have no access to conventional loans. Too often families are turning to the revolving credit (or revolving), very expensive and involved in many cases of over indebtedness.

Supporting and empowering
 Another feature of micro credit, obtaining the loans not made ​​direct to a bank but passes through an attendant. Its role is multiple: it checks the feasibility of the project, assistance in setting up the file, dialogue with the bank, but also informs, advises and empowers the applicant. The accompanying also monitors by offering MTR sifters obtaining the loan.

The counselor is a vital link in the chain of Micro credit, and its ability to take into account the unique situation of each person is essential to the device can play its full role in society. For if, in the words of Martin Hirsch, micro credit staff can "demoralizer the consumer credit", it is first and foremost to help people in need. One way to put man at the center of the economy.

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